5 pts. if you laugh till you wet your pants. 10 pts. if you wet someone else's pants.
5 pts. if you spit out food laughing. 8 pts. if you spit it across the table. 10 pts. if you spit it across the room.
1 pt. if you laugh once/day. 5 pts. if you laugh 5x/day. 10 pts. if you laugh 10x/day.
5 pts. if you have friends who laugh. You belong to a gaggle of gigglers.
5 pts. for being playful at least once/day. "Life can be the toy in your own happy meal."
10 pts. if you have laughed about a serious issue at least once. If you haven't had a serious issue in your
life, you get 15 points for your amazing luck.
10 pts. if you laugh at work whenever possible. Laughing at those work woes will help you relax.
5 pts. if you enjoy laughing about life. It's just a play, you know.
15 pts if you avoid laughing in ridicule. "No downloading."
10 pts. if you find the humor in your everyday life at least once/day. Of course, it may find you first.
10 pts. if you have no rules about laughing. What a shocking loss of control!
5 pts. if you enjoy a bit of silliness. It's cool to be silly at times.
5 pts. if you wear a funny hat now and then. Let laughter go to your head.
5 pts. if you have personal toys. 8 pts. if you play with them. 10 pts. if you play with others.
10 pts. if you laugh in public without concern others will think you're crazy.
5 pts. if you laugh in public so others will think you're crazy.
5 pts. if you enjoy the absurd. 10 pts. if you enjoy acting absurd.
5 pts. if you can laugh at will. 10 pts. if you laugh right now.
10 pts. if you laugh during sex. Sex doesn't need to be serious.
5 pts. if you enjoy your laugh lines, both facial as well as verbal.
5 pts. if you like shaking like a bowl full of jelly inside and out.
5 pts. if everyone's laugh gives you pleasure. Feelin' good!!!
Now total up your points.
136-165 pts. You are a laughing genius.
75-135 pts. You are an honors laugher.
40-75 pts. You are an average laugher.
0-39 pts. You are in danger of contracting laughter lockjaw. Rx- A spoonful of laughter at least 3x daily until the pain goes away. Note: You will need to be on this medicine for the rest of an interesting life. Abruptly stopping the medication will lead to severe withdrawal and your entire body will rigidify.
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